Product Details
Manufacturer: Trysis Inc.
Model: OTO003D
Age: Manufactured in 2022
Condition: Excellent (Flawless appearance with no visible scratches. Screen has no defective pixels and the touchscreen works)
What is O2toDerm? The revolutionary O2toDern hyperbaric anion oxygen system is a one-of-a-kind dome that generates the amount of anion (negative anion) by 3 million more than natural production. Anions are vitamins from the air, similar to what you get in a deep forest. They induce and stabilize free radicals which in turn regenerate new cells, reduce bacteria, rebalance PH levels, improve signs of aging, and correct and heals damaged cells.
Shipping Information
Once payment is received, the seller has 7 business days to ship the device. We use our preferred vendors to ship and ensure it arrives safely. You are updated at every step and provided tracking information so you can see exactly when it will arrive. Payment is not released to the seller until your device has been delivered and you confirm it is as-listed.
Returns and Refunds
You have 3 days to confirm a device is as-listed, if for any reason it is not what was advertised then you have the right to return. Device Trade will pay for the return and refund your money.
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